Moving Day

With actual getting to sailing is 2 hours away, working on Estrella is a 40 mile round trip commute from Al’s house to the Estrella and back, and Rocky Pointe management not allowing me to stay on my boat while I’m working on her (they limit overnights to 6 per month) I decided it was time to move Estrella to Saint Helen’s Marina. SH is minutes away from some of the best sailing on the Columbia and only 8 minute commute from Al’s place.

It took several months wait till a slip opened up and Tony, made sure it was held for Estrella. Tony runs the SH marina store and is super helpful. She got an introduction to Estrella as I often docked for fuel and managed to look like I knew what I was doing!

The slip opened up in early November and I was back in Brookings for my annual Ham Radio activities. I did have a two week window where I could return to move Estrella. On a whim, I invited Suzanne to come along for a boat ride and crew for possible sailing.

On Tuesday the 6th of November we headed north on the 6 hour trip to Rocky Pointe and Estrella.

As we were arriving, a black corvette zoomed up beside us and played a game of tag. Suzanne goes “what the heck is that guy doing?” Well, I knew as soon as I saw the black corvette that it was Al!

We all pulled into Rocky Pointe and unloaded our gear on to the Estrella and took food inventory. Suzanne clearly wanted to ride in Al’s corvette. I suggested Al and Suzanne head to the super market (Freddies) and I would go to SH Marina to verify the slip was open and pay for November moorage.

The next day, it was time to move Estrella, It was the last time I had to get Estrella out of this perpendicular to current and wind slip. Fortunately the wind and current were very light and Suzanne gave out a whoop as we got underway for the 2 hour cruise down Multnomah channel.

By the time we made it to the fuel dock, the sun had come out, Al was there with a cooler full of beer and the wind beckoned.

We all went over to Sand Island for a some lunch and warmed in the solar house formed by Estrella’s newly installed full cockpit canvas enclosure. That investment proved to extend the boating season well into November!

Piloting out of Sand Island moorage we headed down stream (well, tide was coming in so technically down river but upstream) we picked up 10 to 15 knot winds and pulled out Estrella’s sails. The main was stubborn once again (in mast furling is an art form) but soon we shut off the engine and we were under sail using the main and staysail making a comfortable 5 to 6 knots and enough heel to let you know that the sails were doing their job.

After a couple of hours, we headed up river. The tide had turned and we were heading upstream once again! This time, to return to SH Marina and birth Estrella for the first time in her new slip.

I would like to say it was an uneventful moorage but a large Coast Guard river cat was hanging out into the boat way and a debris deflector had swung into its down stream position also blocking the part of the boatway leaving a narrow entry and strong current. That meant going into the boatway a little hotter than I would like to avoid hitting the debris shield or drifting into the big cat’s swim deck.

Getting Estrella’s 42 foot length inside the boatway, slowed and angled to the current before making the turn into the slip had my crew jumping around the deck for fear of my piloting skills! Estrella and I knew just what to do, and between her bow thruster, rudder and throttle, we easily put her bow first into the slip without damaging the dock (or Estrella!).

Our plan was to feast that evening on BBQ steak, salad and pan fried vegetables compliments of Suzanne who took over the galley. We were joined by Wendy and (?) who had called and wanted to come out to see Estrella. For the first time, we were entertaining a full house (or full boat!). Estrella has a wonderful bow seating area which we converted into a dining area using a table top uniquely designed and stowed on board. Beer, rum, vodka and wine poured liberally throughout the evening and Estrella got many tributes to her beauty and design.

Day three was pack up day as we were planning to head out early Friday morning. Suzanne and I hung out on the boat till things warmed up then took Estrella out for a short spin (so I could move new fuel through the reserve and main tanks as well as the two fuel filters). There was no wind so we headed back in to SH Marina. The big coast guard cat was gone so getting into the boatway had little drama and swinging Estrella into her slip was equally uneventful. Al soon showed up and we libated (or is it lubricated) the rest of the afternoon.

All and all a very successful and enjoyable move. Estrella has met her stride and I’m looking forward to exciting adventures with her in 2020.